Content & Community

Future-proofing the careers of women.

GrowGetters is a platform for womxn who want to future-proof their careers. Womxn all over the world have a desire for professional autonomy, and want to stay up-skilled, supported, and inspired by people they can relate to: other womxn! GrowGetters fulfils this unmet need by curating and teaching the most in-demand business methods, tools, and tech, for womxn, by womxn. The platform spans a premium digital club membership, top-chart podcast, newsletter, and social media community.

Über GrowGetters

What does your product or cooperation opportunity offer in concrete detail?

We would like to offer the following co-operation opportunities with media organisations:

> 30% discount on a yearly GrowGetters Club membership for the female employees within your media organisation.
> Syndicated podcast content for a "women in business " or "careers" media audience for your media organisation.
> Creation of a bespoke podcast as original content for your media organisation (researched, written, hosted by GrowGetters and produced and syndicated by your media organisation).
> Bespoke written content or opinion pieces created for your relevant media outlets.
> Bespoke video content created for your relevant media outlets.
> Event collaboration (a panel, a masterclass, a workshop) with GrowGetters and your media organisation to your targeted audience/viewers/readers/subscribers.
> Internal workshop on podcasting for your employees.

Who exactly is your product or cooperation opportunity suitable for or aimed at?
GrowGetters is a B2C platform aimed at Millennial womxn who have a desire to invest in their professional growth, start a side hustle, or are already side hustlers or soloprenuers. From a co-operation perspective, it is aimed at media organisations with an audience, or audience segment of professional working women, and/or women in business (millennials preferred).

What are the benefits of your product or collaboration opportunity?

> GrowGetters Podcast: There is no other internationally-charting podcast that offers the latest in business, tech and career content designed for women in mind. We call this "future skills" for women. We have found a sweet spot in the podcast landscape that is currently under-serviced. Womxn’s voices are underrepresented in tech and business podcasts.
Just take Spotify’s top 10 business and tech charts, ONLY 1 is hosted by a woman.

> GrowGetters Club: There are many organisations and communities for "women in business". What makes GrowGetters Club different is that it connects pre-vetted womxn from around the world to learn and grow in a Peer2Peer, very hands-on learning environment. By co-working, collaborating, and connecting together, members tap into an intimate “brains trust” of talented womxn to help them achieve their professional goals. Solopreneurs and side hustlers benefit from having sparring partners along their business journeys so they don’t go it alone. And external experts and leaders in their industries are also invited to exchange knowledge within the club.

Are there certain requirements to be able to work with your product or to cooperate with you?
We are open to a variety of opportunities for collaboration or syndication of content, and we would love to discuss the terms on a case by case basis. Our core requirement is that all of our content is produced for an English-speaking audience in mind. We would be very open to the opportunity to provide a discount to GrowGetters Club for the relevant female employees of your organisation.

Briefly describe your vision here.
Our overall mission is to arm all womxn with the tools and skills to future-proof themselves and take their careers into their own hands. The pandemic has accelerated the desire held by an overwhelming amount of womxn around the world to carve out a more meaningful career, and put themselves in the driver’s seat. We want to create a movement!

The societal impact of GrowGetters has the potential to completely rewrite the rules for the way womxn work. And the economic impact would have a significant, and exponential, effect, as more and more womxn create business opportunities and encourage each other to do so.

💬 Contact by mail

Tiffany Hart
Co-Founder of GrowGetters

Contact by mail


Tanya Garma, Tiffany Hart


Media Startup Fellowship, #10



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